I wrote about Proteus about a year ago, back when you could only buy it as a beta product directly from its website, but haven't said anything about it since it got released as a finished game this January.
A lot of stuff has been added to the game since I wrote about it - it has a cycle of seasons now, and many more objects and creatures to interact with, and a definitive ending. I've played through it several times, and just finished another playthrough tonight, and felt compelled to post the following to Twitter.
"Proteus is such a special and unique experience. For me, it's always about finding the house."

"On every island, in every season, I have to find that house."

"And then I cling to it until the game takes me away."

That might not make sense to you if you didn't read my previous article and/or don't know what Proteus is (in which case, you know, go fix that), but that's pretty much how I feel about it as a final product. It's lovely, people should play it, and I'm really glad I have it on my laptop to make me feel this way whenever I want / need to.
But that's what it's come to be about for me. Maybe for you it'll be about something totally different. It's on Steam now, for $10, and it has my strong recommendation.